Automate payments
Initiate your bulk payments quickly and easily through API to save time, cost and admin
Card acquiring for casinos and gaming companies to deliver seamless payment experiences
Card acquiring services
Increased reliability
We enable ... to serve their merchants with reliable processing solutions and high availability.
API-driven platform
Solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing processes and systems.
High acceptance rate
Automated transaction routing to guarantee a high acceptance rate.
Onboarding speed
We'll onboard merchants rapidly, so they'll be able to start taking orders immediately.
Engineering support
Engineering support during implementation and post-launch for guidance and advice.
Regulatory compliance
Our card acquiring solutions meet the latest International Card Organization standards for security, including ISO, PCI DSS and PA DSS.
David Lambert — CEO, Transact365
Using payment processing
Together with Intergiro, we provide merchants with a powerful, streamlined payments solution and take advantage of fast settlements, high conversion rates, and rapid merchant onboarding.
Tobias Mende — CEO, INOCEA
Using Intergiro.2d
In less than half an hour I was able to automate my payments in a workflow, resulting in a near-immediate return of investment when implementing the API
Initiate your bulk payments quickly and easily through API to save time, cost and admin
Use the transactions API to build real-time reports tailored to your needs
Configure manual approvals for API-initiated transactions to provide human oversight and breakpoints
Match received payments with your own references using transaction and balance APIs
Create your own alerts based on real-time card expenditure in order to manage balances
Intuitive APIs, docs, and seamless integration make it quick and easy to get you up and running